Friday, April 4, 2008

Why Do I Play The Violin?

The week before Spring Break, my violin professor, Soh Hyun, gave her students the assignment of physically writing out the reason they study and perform the violin. My thoughts went wild as I recalled different learning experiences I have had, the countless hours spent on lessons, rehearsal, and solo practice, and the bright future I saw for myself with regards to what I can offer those I teach. Two weeks passed, and I had an hour in which to answer the question that is the basis for why I am even playing the instrument I love. And after two weeks of the brewing an answer in the back of my mind, I finally sat down and wrote the reason I go through all the trouble of going to these lessons, rehearsals, and hours of practice. Though I completed the assignment in about five minutes, I feel that it was all right there in my brain just waiting to come out. And here is my answer:

I play the violin in order that I might further the talent that God gave me. I study so that I might grow my talent as far as I possibly can. I teach so that I might pass on my love for music to those around me and to show that anyone can enjoy music at any age.

~Meghan Lyons

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