Friday, April 25, 2008


My love for movies has certainly been obvious this year as I viewed close to forty during this school year alone. The very idea that you can escape to another person’s life or simply a different reality is appealing—I experience a “high” that lasts for at least thirty minutes following a film. Somehow, my mind builds a connection to the characters, scenery, and music.

The life of movies is the passion—heart and soul—of each of the actors, directors, and producers. Different perspectives allow for different views and philosophies to be integrated into the story, dialogue, characters, and atmosphere of the film. Throughout each scene, my understanding of the mind of the writers and directors becomes clearer. The meaning or moral of the story within these films have a great emotional affect upon me, because I create an emotional attachment with the characters—I feel as if I have gone on their life journey with them.

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