Friday, April 4, 2008

God is Calling The Prodigal: The Older Brother

The preacher where I attend did a three Sunday series of sermons on the parable that Jesus told about the Prodigal Son. I found the last sermon particularly powerful; it was on the older brother’s role and perspective in the story.

Text: Luke 15:11-32

1. The story of the Prodigal Son.
a. The younger brother asks for his inheritance and receives it.
b. He leaves, taking only one-third of the father’s assets, but a portion of the workforce as well.
c. The older brother stays behind and works hard to maintain the family’s property.
d. The older brother returns to a celebration of his brother’s return.
e. Notice the statements the older brother makes to his father:
i. I have been slaving for you.
ii. You didn’t give me anything.
iii. He devoured your property.
-The property was the younger brother’s to spend.
f. The older brother’s statement is slander.

2. Who does the older brother represent? The faithful Christian
-This story is really about the older brother.

3. We learn that…
a. God will treat us justly.
b. With privilege comes responsibility.
c. We need to have an attitude of service.
d. We should be forgiving.
e. We need to see our brother’s return as God sees it; it is a celebration!

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