Thursday, January 17, 2008


Meghan Lyons

ENGL 1020

Professor Sumner-Winter

22 January 2008

First, I want everyone to know that I will not leave anything out—that I will end where I begin and begin where I end. All that I believe in is revealed in this entry.

The Sharon Statement, written on September 11. 1960, was the foundation upon which the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) organization was built. The YAF’s are primarily those in college. These “conservative” youth are promoting freedom. Many prominent American leaders were members of YAF, such as former president Ronald Reagan. What better way to make an impact in the future of America than through the up and coming youth? Throughout this statement, there is mention of the consistency of the actions of the United States with its Constitution, implying that this statement is only a collection of beliefs that look up to higher standard—the U.S. Constitution. I feel that the Bible is the standard for living. However even I, like so many others my age, desperately seek out freedom, therefore, this organization’s manifesto seems to fit my profile. This manifesto is direct and represents the struggles that I, as a young American, am going through. Here is my manifesto based on the template of the Sharon Statement.

I, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, believe:
THAT freedom comes at a price. God sent his only Son to die for our sins, so that we might be free from that sin.
THAT wisdom will always rule over knowledge. Anyone can state that a certain number of people were killed on September 11, 2001, but not everyone can think of the impact those deaths had on countless families, friends, and neighbors.
THAT pain is an teaching strategy. Every time you experience pain, you learn something from that experience. Once, I scraped my knees and my face as a result of running down concrete stairs in my dress shoes; based on that experience, I would never do that again.
THAT truth is the best policy. Living and speaking the truth in everything you do is the best way to free your mind and your body, and enable you to have clearer thinking.
THAT God’s Word is truth. God’s Word is complete; there is no book like it.
THAT love is the answer. Without love, there is no hope or joy or peace; all is death and destruction.
THAT life will pass you by if you do not stop and enjoy it while you can. After I played a college violin audition once, the violin professor on the committee said that it seemed like I had performed like my life depended on it; I was playing like I was surviving the torture of performing instead of truly living and enjoying every note that I played.
THAT what we do in this life is a reflection of what we will do in the next. If you are faithful to God, He will reward you.
THAT faith is everything. Faith is what you base your life upon. Without faith you would not feel compelled to do anything.

Though I go through trials and tribulations, I remember who is in control. My happiness does not rely on my freedoms, but rather in whom I place my trust. I find it unique that these young people in the YAF felt that in a time of crisis it was important that their beliefs be exposed to the world. They trusted the Constitution to guide their country in a time of need for leadership, and by sharing their truisms with the world, they found peace in their effort to make a difference. Everything they cared about was influenced by the way the country was run; they realized this and they did not let go. I believe we continue to fight the same battles today; somehow we must let everyone know where we stand. If we never act on our beliefs, our lives will have been pointless. The impact that we can make on the world around us can be great, let’s use our opportunities wisely.

My life is worth living because I know the impact that I can make on those around me. God has a plan for my life here, and if I do not act upon my convictions, I will have lived in vain. If it were not for God’s Word, His Son, and His love, I believe that life would not be the same. I praise God for giving me life and breath, and for giving me the freedom and the ability to make a difference in the world in which I live.

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