Friday, January 25, 2008

Food For Thought

Try digesting this for a few moments…

Have you ever experienced hunger or thirst? But of course! Everyone has experienced these physical urges. But I’m not talking about how we feel after not eating for four or five hours or even after skipping a meal or two. I’m referring to a hunger and thirst that most of us Americans have never felt before and most likely will never know.

Third World countries are full of people who do not even know when their next meal will be and what it will consist of. Many times these people must work—fight and chase—to get the food that they so desperately need to survive. And when it is all said and done, they might end up eating something we would never dream touching, yet they’re happy to eat and live. These people are a great example of why we Americans must take advantage of the excellent circumstances that most of us have been born into. If we want to make a difference, we must fight for what we believe in, and truly hunger and thirst for change. This means we must sometimes sacrifice “taste”, such as saving our money, or give up a Saturday to do community service. Perhaps we might also have to “chase” after our goal by knocking on doors or simply stepping out of our comfort zone to converse with others.

As a Christian, I am commanded to hunger and thirst for God’s Word—to study and act upon it daily. This concept of nourishment really hits home for me; I just think about how much I would complain if could not eat for even a day or two. Therefore, I must work to serve and need God the same way I need food and water.

This may sound like somewhat of a stretch to some, but I believe that if anyone sets their mind to something, they can make a difference; that is the beauty of the great nation in which we live. So let’s get out there and make it happen!

1 comment:

Kelvin Oliver said...

Every now and then I hear the people on TV talk and overhear discussions about third world countries. Honestly, I do not know why exactly they are called "third" world countries. This is something I should continue to think about as I go on with living my life. It was good to see that you brought this up.